Santos Praxedis Hipolito Sierra
Born: July 21, 1863 in San Gabriel, Los Angeles, California, USADied: July 1902 (age 39) in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico
Luz Limon
Juan Jesus Sierra
- Children:
Baptismal Record
- San Gabriel Mission, Los Angeles
On August 22, 1863, Santos Praxedis Hipolito Sierras was baptized. He was born on July 21, 1863, to Jesus [Sierra] and Maria de la Luz Limon. The godparents were Juan Gastelum and Salvadora Verdugo.
Death Record
- Santos Sierras passed away on July 10, 1902, in Tanamá, Tecate, Baja California, at the age of 38 years. He was an American, originally from the United States of America. Cause of death: A gunshot wound to the left shoulder that penetrated his body. (Registered in Ensenada on August 15, 1902)
Newspaper Article about Santos' Killing
Word comes from San Luis Rey that the killing of Santos Sierras at Tecarte in Lower California, caused much sorrow in that valley where he had many relatives. He was born and reared in this county, and he leaves a father and mother and seven sisters to mourn his loss, having been an only son and a hard-working boy. He left San Luis Rey three years ago and was expected to return home on the 11th of this month. The father is grief-stricken and refuses to break the news to the mother, who is old and feeble, fearing that the shock would be little less than fatal. One of the sisters is married to Al A. Freeman of San Luis Rey, and all of the members of the family reside in this county except three sisters, two in Los Angeles and one in Tecarte, where the killing was done.