
Documenting My Genetic Genealogy Journey

Anastacio Sierra

Born: 1842 in San Miguel de Horcasitas, Sonora, Mexico
Died: Unknown in Unknown
  • Children:  

Marriage Declaration

  • Declaration of the Groom
    In the parish of this town of San Miguel de Horcasitas, on the 29th day of the month of August in the year 1862, before me, Brother Francisco Salcido, Parish Priest of this Parish of San Miguel de Horcasitas, appeared Mr. Anastacio Sierra, with the intent of contracting marriage with María de la Luz Núñez. Being present, I received his oath, which he made by God our Lord and the sign of the holy cross, under which he promised to tell the truth in whatever he was asked. In response to the relevant questions, he stated his name as given above, that he had never changed his name or surname, that he was a single man of 20 years of age, a native of this jurisdiction, the legitimate son of Ramón Sierra and Juana Maria Castillo, and that of his own free and spontaneous will, he wished to marry the aforementioned María de la Luz Núñez. He declared that he had no impediment of consanguinity or public honesty; that he was not impotent, nor did he suffer from any contagious disease; that he was not bound by vows of chastity, religion, or overseas pilgrimage; that he was not excommunicated or under interdiction, nor did he have any other type of impediment preventing or nullifying the marriage. He affirmed this truth under oath, which he ratified and signed.

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